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Jesus Is Patient With Me

“But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his unlimited patience as an example for those who would believe on him and receive eternal life.” (I Timothy 1:16)

Often we face ourselves head-on and it frightens us. As we observe our lives and the content of them, we can easily find ourselves discouraged and ready to give up. This is especially true of Christianity. It is a tough job to walk in the light, or to live like the redeemed, or even to daily confess Christ. Christianity is no easy task, no easy life.

Life itself is full of inconsistency. It is bad enough when it rears its ugly head in those around us, frustrating every sense of right and wrong. It is even worse, however, when we see such inconsistencies in our own lives. It is disheartening, to say the least.

How many times have you or someone you know sat and pondered the futility of trying any longer? It just seems that the skies are always filled with the darkness and rain of disenchantment. Feelings flow like, “I just can’t do it…I just can’t make it anymore…I give up.”

When life gets this way for us or for those we work with, this is when it is past time to remember that we have a patient God. We have a God who is willing to be merciful and extend an extra measure of grace.

You see, God understands. How can He, though? How can God, who is so pure and holy, so far removed from sin and its stain, understand what we go through in our confinement of flesh? Do you remember that God, Himself, came into the flesh and experienced life as we live it? He came here (John 1:14) and dwelt among us, tasted the world of humanity and experienced the weakness that we face, in order to fight Satan in the battlefield of the flesh.

God understands our weakness. We must never hide behind His understanding as an excuse to keep on sinning, but we can draw strength from knowing that HE UNDERSTANDS. GOD IS PATIENT. ARE YOU?